Anxiety Resources

The internets consensus on dealing with anxiety:

Particularly useful was this:

1. Identify the anxious-brain distorted thinking
2. Challenge the anxious thoughts by asking questions such as:
  • What is the worst REALISTIC outcome of this scenario?
  • Realistically, what is the likelihood of this happening?
  • Would I be able to cope with it if it were to happen?
  • Is worrying about this right now helping to prevent it from happening?
3. Replace anxious thinking with truthful reassurance. This means making a conscious effort to:
  • Challenge the belief that worrying can help prevent bad things from happening
  • Recognize when you are jumping to conclusions and catastrophizing
  • Remind yourself: “I can tolerate the unknown and I don’t have to try to control it”. I know I can deal with what life brings because I have successfully coped with life’s difficulties so far”
  • “Remember that worrying does not help control the future” – it only robs us of the present
  • Challenge your thoughts (Don’t believe everything you think!)
  • Ask yourself “It is really true? Where is the evidence? Is this true for others or only for me?”
  • Spend time focusing on what you are grateful

Practice Anti-Anxiety Skills Everyday

  • Tolerating the unknown
  • Gently consistently reassuring yourself with the truth
  • Trusting your ability to cope with difficulty
  • Slowing down to mindfully observe and challenge your thoughts
  • Postponing worry – have specific times in the day that are designated to think/worry
    • For example everyday from 6:00 – 6:15 I will worry about ______.
    • When worrisome thoughts arise, kindly put them on your worry 6:00 list so your brain knows you WILL get to it
    • Showing kindness and compassion to yourself for your struggles and your good intention


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